Get to know us

Welcome to Wolfspec - Where Passion Drives Innovation

At Wolfspec, skateboarding is more than just business—it's our essence. Founded by Karl Houghton, who rediscovered his enthusiasm for skateboarding through the budding interest of his three-year-old son, Wolfspec is a testament to a journey driven by deep passion, commitment, and a strong connection with the skateboarding community. Our philosophy celebrates the sense of freedom and creative expression that skateboarding brings, transforming it from a mere activity to a way of life.

Our Journey

WolfSpec's origin is rooted in a desire to escape the mundane 9-5 cycle and fully embrace our true passion: skateboarding. Karl’s rekindled love for the sport, sparked by his son's enthusiasm, mirrors the experiences of many in our community. This shared quest for freedom and expression through skateboarding led to the creation of Wolfspec, with the aim of integrating work with passion and making a positive contribution to skateboarding culture and its community.

Our Objective

Our mission is straightforward: to provide top-notch, innovative skateboarding products that elevate your skating experience. Whether you're cruising the city streets or nailing your latest trick, our products are crafted to meet the highest standards of durability, performance, and style. More than just products, we're dedicated to building a community where enthusiasts at all levels can exchange ideas and grow together.

A Shared Passion

For Karl, skateboarding is more than just a personal hobby; it's a passion ignited by his son's curiosity and shared within his family. Seeing Wolfspec as a legacy of his love for skateboarding, Karl is committed to passing down this gift of freedom and creativity, fostering moments of teaching, learning, and growth both on and off the board.

Why Wolfspec?

Choosing Wolfspec means supporting a dream that goes beyond the individual. It's about endorsing a vision that values quality, community, and the pure joy of skateboarding. We're not just selling products; we're inviting you to join a movement—a collective push towards a life fueled by passion.

Join Our Path

As we make our mark in the skateboarding industry, we invite you to join us on this journey. Your support not only drives our dream but also contributes to a shared goal of seamlessly blending work with passion. At Wolfspec, every purchase is part of a larger dream, a collective stride towards a future where every day is an opportunity to skate, create, and inspire.

Welcome to our community. Welcome to Wolfspec.